About Ecology of NW Belize

This website contains information and downloadable documents about the ecology of northwest Belize. For the purposes of this webpage, northwest Belize includes the area south of the Río Hondo, west of New River Lagoon, north of the Western Highway, and east of the Guatemalan border. Most of the information here comes from studies in the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area (https://www.pfbelize.org/), but it applies broadly. [website revised July 2022]


4 thoughts on “About Ecology of NW Belize”

  1. Fantastic Web Site and a great contribution to greater understanding of the plants of NW Belize – many congrats Nick et al
    Chris Minty


  2. Thank you very much for publishing this. If you would like some links to other work done in the area to add to the site, just let us know. Jeff Waldon.


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